Since 2003, family and friends have come to know that initials on the bottle caps along with names of classic cars designate beers from the Barley and Vine Brewery. Barley and Vine is becoming known for great quality ales, and at times going to extremes to provide the very best in beer.
From the first batch of beer, Rambler Red, brewing was destined for the garage or outdoors because of the huge mess and bad smell made in the kitchen. So, for the first four years Barley and Vine was making 5-gallon extract batches. Barley and Vine began sharing the beers with friends and family looking for input and making corrections and changes when needed. As time went by the brewing skill level and quality of the beer continued to improve. Changing from 5-gallon extract batched to 10 gallon all-grain batches made a huge difference in the quality of the final product.
Barley and Vine is a nano brewery in the planning. As we continue to build our business plan, determine a location, and perfect our recipes and processes we will do our best to keep people up to speed through this website, Facebook, and our blog. The ultimate dream is to have a brewery and a brewpub.