4 Paws
4 Paws Brewing
4 Paws Brewing LLC is a microbrewery established in Chicago, IL. The brewery will be located in the Uptown/Edgewater neighborhood at a site to be determined. 4 Paws is hoping to be fully operational by 2013! We believe in our company, what we stand for, and most of all the beers we serve. We would never make anything we wouldn't drink just to turn a profit and we would never say anything or do anything to compromise our core beliefs. We hope that our supporters and friends join us in believing in 4 Paws too! So why 4 paws you might ask? The short answer is our little dog Sadie. Sadie is a rescue dog that we adopted over Memorial Day weekend of 2010. She's a big part of who we are and what we're all about. So that's how we got our name, but what are we all about?