Louisville's only brewer-owned brewery is, like most worthwhile undertakings, the product of dissatisfaction with the status quo. The Louisville area has had a number of quality brewpubs for some time now, but still there was simply not enough beer! Against the Grain is an effort to help solve this problem. We maintain a diverse array of beers covering all of the major categories of beer flavor while generating an endless stream of innovative new brews. In short, everything is "specialty" Boredom will be extremely difficult.
Our food is designed with same philosophy as our brewing. Fresh and interesting smokehouse fare with a gastropub flare lets us bring you the very best flavors to stand alone and to compliment our beers. Regular menu changes allow us to take full advantage of the best seasonal ingredients, our chef's whim, and optimal pairing with our dynamic beer list.
Throw your preconceived notions right the hell out the window. We aren't just another brewpub. We are Against the Grain!