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Absolution Brewing Company
As the world grows in its understanding of what beer can and should be, no longer imprisoned by the tasteless, unfilling beers of the recent past, it craves beer made with sincere passion and an unwavering boldness of flavor. And to provide that beer is our mission. Focusing on Old World styles and New World hops, we are creating a fusion of flavors and aromas to titillate the palate and arouse the olfactory. British, Belgian, and German styles will dominate our taps, while sours will be fermenting and aging from early on. Absolution Brewing Company is a labor of love for three friends that have a passion for delicious craft beer. Nigel is an English gent that found his way to the West Coast more than two decades ago. Steve is a local boy, born and raised in the South Bay Los Angeles area with deep ties throughout the community. Wes is from the swamps of Louisiana and discovered Southern California via the Navy. Individually, we are but mere beer drinkers in love with the craft. Together, we are a team dedicated to fulfilling our dreams to bring the best beers to the world that others may feel the passion on their palates.