Banville Wine Merchants
Banville Wine Merchants
Banville Wine Merchants is pleased to offer a selection of high quality Italian wines now available in kegs. Straight from the barrel at the winery to the barrel under your taps, this wine stays fresh from the very first glass right down to the last pour of the keg. Wine on Tap is a flexible way to provide your guests with consistent quality and also a chance to go green and save money while helping to preserve the environment. All of the VinSpina wines in keg are sourced from high quality family estates in Italy and encompass a full range of varietals. Sparkling: Glera Frizzante, Rosato Frizzante White Wines: Pinot Grigio, Sauvignon, Unoaked Chardonnay, Oaked Chardonnay Red Wines: Vino Rosso (Barbera), Sangiovese, Toscana Rosso (Sangiovese/Merlot), Cabernet Glera Sparking wines are packaged in PolyKeg to handle the higher pressure and ensure original effervescence. Height: 18 7/8 inches, Diameter: 10 inches Still wines are also packaged in PolyKegs: Height: 18 7/8 inches, Diameter: 10 inches